
Show Girlz Exclusive

So I was put on to the Show Girlz magazine today and went online to see what all the hype is about. I've done some amateur modeling in my day just for fun and have gotten paid for it too but something in the back of my mind makes me consider if I could be in a real lingerie magazine. I mean the pictures I've taken for fun are sexy and scantily clad so why not? I wonder if I have what it takes to be a Show Girl. What do YOU think????
You just may see me in a magazine near you.......

Visit their website at www.showgirlzexclusive.com


Edress ME!

Ok so I have been pondering my friend's upcoming June wedding and I haven't a thing to wear. I have not attended a wedding since college and there have been so many new trends since then. I even googled the appropriate monetary gift or traditional wedding presents, however I know that now a days most people opt to do a gift registry which takes the guess work right out of the equation. Ok so anyways back to me lol I have been perusing the net for awhile and found the following dresses. There is so much to consider though, the bride is wearing white of course so that's out and nothing remotely similar to a wedding gown will do either. Then you don't want to have too much pizazz because you don't want to out do the bride lol Let me know what you think of these ladies.....


I'm a Shoe WHORE 4 sure!

I was just laughing at how many shoes I brought over my man's house just in case.....


The ART of Conversation

How many times have you heard, "Communication is key!" This is so true and relates to all aspects of life including both business and personal. You can not have a successful 'relationship' with anyone with out effective communication skills. As a 20 something lol year old woman, I am learning alot these days about my personal communication style and how that either aides or hinders me in my personal life as well as business relationships. I know personally that I communicate more effectively via writing than orally but I'm working on merging the two skills so that they coincide.
There is definitely an ART to conversation. How often do you find yourself in an elevator with 5 to 6 individuals all looking up at the ceiling, straight forward or down at their feet? This has always puzzled me. Is it because people feel uncomfortable speaking to strangers, feel awkward in such an enclosed space or are people just generally rude? IDK
When it comes to personal acquaintances, conversation is very essential. When speaking with a friend over the phone, she mentioned that someone she knows decided to end a relationship because their partner tended to watch television often and could not hold a decent conversation because she was always disengaged from 'reality.' The ability to hold a 'decent conversation' is vital in your personal relationships, especially if this is someone you wish to spend the rest of your life with. What happens when you are old and grey and can no longer engage in that physical activity you currently use to express yourself? You will need to have the ability to converse that's what. Older couples spend their precious time talking and reminiscing about the good times, so if you can't hold a decent conversation then what's life going to be like for you in your elder years as a couple?
The art of conversation includes both the ability to speak effectively as well as listen attentively. Don't you hate it when you are speaking to someone and they cut you off in the middle of your thought in order to interject theirs? This is not only rude but an ineffective communication style. You can not possibly be listening to what the other party has said if you jump right in before they are able to complete their sentence. Also it is often said that "Reality is Perception." You may intend on meaning one thing with what you say, however the reality is how the receiving party perceives it. I have often been at fault with this one myself. You have to remember to watch your tone and delivery so that your thoughts are communicated just as you intend them to be received.
The art of conversation is a learned skill that you develop from early childhood and it continues to evolve as you interact with new people. If no one has ever complained about your conversation or communication methods then congratulations, you are a master at it; however if it has been brought to your attention I would only suggest that you take heed. If so, you will likely find that you attract the attention you wish and command the respect that you deserve and you will notice a dramatic difference in the way that other's perceive you and your new image.


Interracial Dating

I have been pondering this topic since viewing the movie, Australia, the other day. Featured in the movie was a mixed boy named Nahla whose mixed ethnicity of White and Aborigine deemed him being labeled as a "creamy." His complexion was caramel with almond shaped eyes and sunkissed curly locks. A very handsome little fellow I might add, was in danger of being taken away from his mother and native land to be cast into a 'boarding school' simply because of his race and being labeled as 'wild.' HIs own white father tried to kill him in the movie as to avoid being found out. This entire scenario made me thing about interracial dating and the differences as well as challenges some still face today, in 2009, in what is supposedly a nation of many liberties.
The controversy around interracial dating and marriage has existed for many centuries. Most opposition has stemmed from insecurities and fear of 'racial impurity.' As you may know, many moons ago, interracial marriage and or dating was banned in many countries including the great United States. Although, now in 2009, these banning laws are nonexistent, there still exists an underlying discontent for interracial marriage, especially when it comes to mixing the black and white race. I personally think that those White racists would rather see an Asian and White or Hispanic and White couple as opposed to a White woman with a Black Man. This sentiment leads me to my next question. For those who choose to date outside their race, what is it that drives you to 'something new?' What are the differences if any found when dating outside of your race? I have always heard comedians talk about the ABW and this being the reason why brothas flock in droves to date a White woman, as we supposedly have too much attitude and sass to deal with. Contrarily I've also heard Black women complain about there not being an ample population of educated, progressive thinking and employed brothas to choose from so they flock towards dating white men. For me, I know that I want to marry an educated, employed and progressive man myself. I don't think that I am opposed to dating outside my race. I've dated a Dominican, Puerto Rican and Ghanian man in the past but ultimately in the back of my mind I still believe that there is nothing better than a 'Black' man for me lol It is just something about their swagga, physique, complexion and driven attitude. I'm not saying that I can not find this in a man of another race but I would prefer to wed and raise my children with a man of my own race. I guess the old saying of "Don't knock it til you try it" rings loudly here. What could be the harm? What are your thoughts???????
