
Competitive Advantage....

Think you know your competition? Think again. What gives you competitive advantage over your competition in your business and personal relationships? I read the book cover of Competitive Advantage and this title sent a blaring alarm off in my head. It's rather catchy and makes perfect sense. I thought about it from both perspectives of business and personal. On the business side marketing and technology is key. Long gone are the days where you can survive without a website and referrals can only keep you afloat for so long. Shoot even a day laborer might get more business if he had a vcard! You have to get your brand name out there so it becomes a household name and even so outside the normal circles in which you do business. I learned while working at RBC that you should keep a pipeline of leads and this pipeline is fed by your inner circle. As it relates to that particular business your inner circle would be a real estate agent, lawyer, physican, insurance agent and other bankers. These five professions in relation to banking would help to generate new business for you. Think about what businesses you patronize and how they can in turn help to grow your business. I love learning and applying it to other avenues which brings me to the personal side of things. Personally I like to support black businesses first. I'm so tired of hearing how little the dollar is circulated in my community before it ends up back in general population. I even sport at "Bought Black" button on my members only jacket and often get comments and inquiries on it. Although I originally got it from buying Jay Z's black album it has alternative meaning for me. Also when I think of personal relationships in terms of courting you market yourself to the best of your ability in order to attract those that you wish to 'patronize' your business. We do this alot better in our personal pursuits than on the business front and I think if we can figure out a way to marry them both we could discover a goldmine.


Black and White and Sometimes Grey

I was just thinking about the differences 'if any' there are between black and white businesses. I've had the pleasure of working for a black owned small business this past week and was truly inspired by being in the company of such an intelligent African American CEO. After getting my barrings together and being more comfortable in my environment I started to think to myself of how 'different' it felt being in an all black corporate environment. Over my career I've had several supervisor's and only one was African American. I don't know if by default but she was my favorite and mostly likely it is because of our chemistry and mutual respect for one another. I noticed that when you take away the 'racial barrier' it has been my experience that I felt free to really perform to my best ability and not feel as though there were underlining meanings to feedback and certain instances that can occur. At my last employer there were times where I would be speaking to a co-worker and the supervisor would walk by and the co-worker would almost scurry back to their desk almost as if to motion "Let me get back in line before Massa get's mad!" lol Now I am making light of the situation here but it did bother me enormously that there was always a feeling of walking on eggshells in some corporate environments. I pray that I am hired FT at this new BLACK place of business so that I can grown and reach my best potential being mentored by one of my own. ;)


Emotional (Wo)MEN

When it comes to emotions, its women that are usually pegged as being "overly sensitive", or "too emotionally attached", and so on and so forth. And while I will admit that I do have my fare share of emotions, I many times find that it's MEN who are just as, if not even more emotional than women are. I need a strong, confident, supportive man. I cant tell you how many men I know that act more like a (wo)man than I do. Sensitivity is all well and good, and I love a man that can express his feelings with you and show a softer side, NOW AND THEN, but there is nothing worse than a whinny, complaining, super sensitive, overly dramatic man! Come one! Who's really wearing the pants here? I always find it funny when I hear my girlfriends complaining about how they just wanted to have sex (ill say that instead of the 4 letter word of choice), and the guy wanted to cuddle and caress! Or when I have (wo)men catching a hissy fit because I didnt return or answer there phone call or text them back in a timely manner. Isnt it supposed to be the other way around?, according to what men say? Pleeease!, Ive had (wo)men show up at my doorstep, friends houses, or other places where they knew I would be just because I didnt answer their call!, lol....now Ive never been that emotional!...
....so I guess its safe to say that when it comes to being emotional, both sexes are guilty as charged!...what do you think?...
~J. Genese

Soooo ANNOYING!!!......(in connection with My Morning Commute)

-People who jump on the train, clearly not knowing where they're going, and after 2 or 3 stops then decide to ask someone, "hey does this train stop at ...?" You couldve saved yourself the trouble if you wouldve asked before you got on the train buddy!!
-Sitting next to bad a** chilren on the train! If I see a child coming to sit next to me I switch seats!, lol....
-OMG!, people who when they hear the train coming have to cover their ears like they've never heard it before! We all know the train is loud...knock it off!!, you've heard it before!!
-People who sit on the train floor, or on the floor in the train station...and by people, I mean
w_ i_e people...fill in the blanks!
-When someone is intent on squeezing themselves into a seat that them and their puffy coat cant fit in!
-Slicked down bangs that swoop to the side!, lol...I just remembered seeing a girl with her hair like that on the train, and I got a flashblack of highschool...as in 1998....as in, leave that hair style in 1998 already!!!
-People who rush to sit down...and then get off at the next stop!!
-People who get on the train before allowing others to get off!!!...and people who clearly see me getting off yet their talking about "excuse me" and are trying to get by....you see me getting off too!!!
-For WTC Path train riders...people who dont know, or cant see that clearly one side of the escalator is for those who choose to walk and the other is for those who choose to simply stand and escalate!....get off the wrong side and out of the way!!
-The infamous "candy sellers" who "are not raising money for no basketball team, but so that they can have money in their pockets"....BEAT IT!!!!!!
-When you're on the escalator and you turn around and someone is standing right behind you all up on your back!...give me a step worth of space pleeease people!, a step worth of space!
-The whole B, C train line!!!
...I could go on all day!!!