
"He's Just Not That N2 You"...

"If He's NOT Calling or Texting You", i.e, NOT giving you the time and attention that you deserve and that you're devoting to him...

"If He's NOT Sleeping with You", i.e, NOT showing you the kind of affection that you're showing him...

And "If He's NOT Marrying You", i.e, NOT willing to show you any level of commitment...then quite frankly, "He's Just NOT That Into You"...

One of the most popular Sex in the City episodes has gone from page to stage, as "He's Just Not That Into You" hit box offices this past weekend, and has had women, and some men, selling out shows on even a Tuesday night. I had to venture to two movie theaters before I was able to purchase tickets in the nick of time for the almost sold out 7:30pm showing last night. A long time Sex in the City fan, and having already read the book, I had an idea of what to expect from the movie and what lessons they would be trying to teach throughout the next 2 hours and 9 minutes. So as me and a girlfriend of mine literally grabbed the last two seats in the theater, and as I checked to see whether or not he had texted me back yet before silencing my phone, I was good to go.

The movie, in a nutshell, explored dating practices and relationship standards that many woman can certainly relate to or surely know of. Now while I wont give the movie away, as my counterpart would kill me when she reads this since she has yet to see the movie, I will say that more or less its like a slap in the face...a wake up call so to say. We all know good and well what it means when a guy says he's going to call, and a week later your still looking at your phone, checking for a dial tone and making sure you dont have any missed calls! No he didnt lose your number or had an accident or sudden death in the family....he's NOT calling, never had any intentions....he's just not that into you! And as you watch the movie and kind of sympathize with the main character as she embarks on her somewhat pathetic search for romance, you may silently say to yourself, "awww, she's so niave...why doesnt she get it?" The answer is the same reason why we just dont get it ourselves sometimes...

Whether its being played out on the big screen, or from a page out of our own dating lives, at some point we all can relate, and know the signs of when he's really just not into you. Sometimes we just dont want to, or are not ready to face it, or may be in denial...and we're all entitled to our moments of weakness...

But just as "GiGi" realized that he wasnt going to call, and as I casually checked and noticed that he still didnt text me back, we have to stop making excuses for them...for ourselves...and start taking these "signs" just for exactly what they are. Sometimes he may just not be into you, and sometimes that can be quite alright...cause its surely his loss, NOT yours!

~J. Genese