
Why Him? Why Her? Relationships/Dating

Last night while watching 20/20 I was faced with the ever daunting question Why Him? Why Her? I guess it's simple enough to say that once one reaches a certain age they come to believe that life's greatest gift is finding their perfect mate. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher thinks she's found the answer! She believes that there are two parts of the personality: character and temperament. Character of course is comprised of things you've developed over the course of life experience and temperament is your inherited traits. There are 4 types of temperaments: Explorers (risk takers), Builders (cautious but not fearful), Directors (analytical) and Negotiators (broadminded imaginative). The show followed four couples over the course of their dating which started at a speed dating event in New York. Not surpsingly, only two of the four couples ended up in a long term relationship; one resulting in marriage.
I guess what I take away from watching a special like this is "Why does dating have to be so damn complicated?" What happened to the bilssful days of catching someone's eye, don't those chemical reactions from pheremones play a huge part in attraction anymore or have we chalked it all up to your potential mates balance on their ATM receipt or the famous Capital One quote "What's in your wallet?" or perhaps something more obvious like that S type he's driving. As I steadily approach my 30's, taking baby steps mind you lol, I continue to wonder keeping in mind that our divorce rate is now over 50%; what actually makes up a long lasting and happy marriage. Why Him? Why Her? But most importantly when will I meet my other half???


My FAVORITE Accessory..

Flower Power!...Im all about it!...
I love a loud “look at me” ring, and nothing says that more than what I call the Flower Power ring. It pacts a big punch (literally), and makes a bold statement. Charming and dainty, this power ring speaks all for itself, so it doesn’t even need too many other accessories to accompany it. It comes in various styles of flowers and a multitude of colors so you can mix it and match it with anything in your wardrobe.
If you’re looking for a head turner and a conversation starter this ring is definitely the piece to wear!
~J. Genese

Ur so Gay and you don't even like Boys/Music

You're so Gay and you don't even like Boys----or do you? Best put by my most recent favorite artist Kate Perry. Her song is hilarious and most importantly true for many men unfortunately. Take a look at this group of London Fashionistas accompanying Kanye with their LV briefcases, scarfs and even leopard tights galore! I mean this is ridiculous! I am all for the love of fashion but damn is it that serious? I sure hope these men aren't passing for heterosexual in their social circles because all is see is 6 "How YOU doing's!" LOL

In the words of Kanye "Everything I'm not, may be everything I am"......

My Fashion Pick of the Day-Nails

I've fallen in love with this nail polish! While viewing Beyonce's performance during the 'Neighborhood Ball' following the inaguration I caught a glimpse of her nails and fell in love. Of course my first thought was I'm sure that polish costs something ridiculous and is Dior etc but I finally found out the brand. It's Minx ladies, the nail polish of 2009! Although not readily available for consumer purchase, as it's commercial product; you can kindly enjoy a relaxing trip to one of the following nail salon's offering this product in NYC and GA:


Fringe Salon
248 Broome St.
New York, NY 10002



Shine Salon and Spa
Mya Evans
185 Peters St.
Atlanta, GA 30315